Selected Talks & Media

Big Think: The Chaos Inside OpenAI

An hour-long fireside with Big Think to unpack the firing and unfiring of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman.

Virtual talk: The Hidden Labor Behind ChatGPT

A spotlight on the surprising and disturbing ways that ChatGPT and other AI services rely on exploiting workers in precarious economies.

CBS: Facebook algorithm called dangerous

A news spot on Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen’s testimony in Congress.

Panel: Value vs. Values

A discussion hosted by the UN Foundation about the potential and ethics of using big data to empower women and girls, featuring former US CTO Megan Smith.

Keynote: What is AI?

My opening talk for the 2019 Marketing AI Conference on the state of artificial intelligence.

Podcasts: Facebook’s misinformation crisis

A behind-the-scenes look at my investigation into Facebook’s Responsible AI team & misinformation crisis.

Keynote: AI and the Very Old World Order

My opening talk at the 2023 Ars Electronica festival, illustrating how the AI industry is recreating a colonial world order.

TEDx: Why we need to democratize how we build AI

My February 2020 TEDx talk challenging the notion that we only need technical experts to develop technology. Social experts are key to helping us understand how algorithms are rewiring society.